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Numéro d'article ADI #:RP2 Modèle #: RP2 Nom: Neutronic RP2 Fire Panel Synthesis Report Type A
LCD Screen for Auto Diagnostics
Integrated AES Compliant with NF S 61-940
Simple and Fast Programming
Présentation du produit
Général Informations
This equipment combines the management and functions of automatic fire detection. An ECS must meet the provisions of standards NF EN54-2 and NF EN54-4 (for its EAE). The CMSI is a device integrated into the type 1 cabinet or alone in the type 2a cabinet. It allows, from information or manual control orders, to send electrical control orders to devices providing the functions necessary to secure a building in the event of fire. It must also meet the provisions of standard NFS 61-950.