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Numéro d'article ADI #:PLN-4S6Z Modèle #: F.01U.275.428 Nom: Bosch PLN-4S6Z Wall Panel for PLN-6AIO240
Remote control for the Plena All‑in‑One Unit PLN‑6AIO240
BGM routing and volume control
Remote selection of four music source inputs
Présentation du produit
Général Informations
The Wall Panel is connected to the Plena All‑in‑One Unit PLN‑6AIO240 with a standard CAT5 cable. The maximum cable length is 600m. The buttons on the Wall Panel have the same function as the corresponding buttons on the front panel of the All‑in‑One Unit. The design and color of the Wall Panel are unobtrusive in any interior. Ease of installation, operation and reliability are optimized in the design.
Caractéristiques Principales
Remote control for the Plena All‑in‑One Unit PLN‑6AIO240
BGM routing and volume control
Remote selection of four music source inputs
Remote microphone/line input
Powered from the Plena All‑in‑One Unit
Catégorie : Audiovisuel professionnel, Bases, portes et panneaux, Mobilier et supports commerciaux, Produits